Rowland Hill Nursery School & Children's Centre

Trip to the Henry Moore Foundation

Henry Moore is a famous British sculpture. His sculptures can be found around the world and there are lots located in and around greater London


In May 2022 we visited the Henry Moore Foundation in Much Hadam, Hertfordshire. The children had the opportunity to look at the sculptures, touch them and think about that they represent. Some of the sculptures are abstract while other are studies on people. We were very interested in the reclined figures (which are people lying down).

We saw some of his models for sculpture (these are called maquettes) and where he sculpted in his studios. Staff from the foundation took us on a guided tour and then we had the opportunity to sculpt using clay and sketch in our sketch books.

 We loved playing and running in the sculpture garden and were amazed when we met the sheep. Please have a look at the photographs of the day.

Henry Moore Trip 2022

 Following our visit, the children were inspired to create their own wonderful sculptures.