Rowland Hill Nursery School & Children's Centre

Purpose, Vision and Values

The Purpose our Federation and Schools

Rowland Hill and Woodlands Park are inclusive Maintained Nursery School, Children’s Centres and Training Facilities for children, families, staff, our communities and the Early Years profession in Haringey and beyond.

Rowland Hill and Woodlands Park are safe places for children and families, where they can have space, time, support and opportunities to grow and develop.


Our federation recognises the uniqueness of early childhood and how it impacts on life’s journey.

We believe early learning opportunities and experiences should be filled with joy and laughter, giving children the freedom to explore and learn.

We give time and space to wallow in the children’s and our professional fascinations to be ambitious about our futures.

We nurture hearts and minds to be kind, challenge stereotypes and prejudices as to construct a better society for the future.

We create a learning space where children and their families receive loving care that stretches beyond the horizons.

We work in partnership to use the nourishing power of the natural world, to learn together as opportunities unfold. We believe children are the seeds of sustainability for our world.

We collaborate and grow with families and our professional community, where voices are heard and valued.

We aim for every child in our community to have the best start in life.

The Values of our Federation and Schools


  • Children’s wellbeing and happiness is crucial to learning.
  • Children learn best through play, talk, meaningful first-hand experiences with trusted adults.
  • Through play children can explore, imagine and socialise, and be curious about the world they are growing up in.


  • Our rich and inspiring curriculums meets the needs of each child and their family by developing their physical, emotional, intellectual, and cultural needs, allowing them to become confident and take risks in their learning.
  • All children and their families have opportunities to make a better society and gaze across the horizon, knowing their dreams could be possible.
  • As early years experts our knowledge, understanding of neuroscience and continual analysis of ethical research shapes every decision and aspect of our work.

 Curious and Creative

  • Children take a lead in their learning, guided by their interests and developed by expert practitioners.
  • Staff and the wider early years workforce are encouraged and trusted to take risks in their practice to provide provocations for their own and children’s learning.
  • We value the creative contributions and expertise of our families, and our local and professional community to broaden our opportunities and learning for all.

 Respectful Relationships

  • Trusted, respectful relationships are developed with all our children and their families through high quality interactions, communication and support.
  • Partnerships with colleagues ensures support is given when needed to ensure a healthy start and equity for all.
  • Nurturing adults feel joy and are honoured sharing our children’s learning journeys.

 Unique, Community

  • Our diverse community is a model of inclusion, offering equality of opportunity.
  • A commitment to disseminate our practice and be a major influence in the local authority as a model for outstanding pedagogy.
  • By working in a multi-disciplinary team, our school community share in the care and education of our children.


  • Our seasonal calendar of learning is inspired by nature, providing the opportunity for children to learn through their senses.
  • Our resources and facilities are made by natural, sustainable, and reclaimed materials where possible to support to aim to be sustainable in the future.
  • Our local and professional community are invited to share and learn in this special place we call Haringey Early Years Schools Alliance (HEYSA).

HEYSA Vision and Values